

Craig Martin
FOUNDER-CEOI was born in 1961. I grew up with all the albums we perform. I care deeply about all the musicians who work with me. I run my company with compassion. I put my musicians first. I love classic rock. I built CAL from the ground up. Closing in on 20 years – we’re just getting started

Nick Walsh
GENERAL MANAGERNick brings a veteran’s vision to CAL. He’s always been a full time musician and he’s always been acutely aware of what it takes to keep a band working together. As General Manager of CAL, Nick will help steer us towards where we need to grow. He’ll do all of this while continuing to front a great many shows. It takes a musician to run CAL. Nick Walsh is the right man for the job.

OPERATIONSCindy keeps the company in good working order. Moving musicians in and out of venues is a lot of work and Cindy does it all with grace and cool. She also bakes goodies for the backstage dressing rooms and thrift shops for funky scarfs, jackets and wraps. There is nothing that Cindy can’t do!

Rob Phillips
MUSIC DIRECTORBobby is our rock. He brings the nuance. He’s a kind man. But he doesn’t tolerate foolishness. If you’re on a show with Rob, show up with your shit together. He’s very funny and is able to replicate sounds and entire comedy bits on cue. He’s calm. He loves his family. He is the face of CAL. He sold the most T shirts of any other alumni.

Eric Honkonen
TOUR MANAGEREric came to CAL through his son, Shain. He’s one of those people who can put you at ease with a smile. Eric is a native of Cocoa Beach, Florida, so having him run all things Florida for CAL was a natural fit. He mixes the show as well!

Braxton Raymond
CONDUCTORBraxton Raymond has been with CAL since it's onset 20 years ago. He brings a Masters attention to detail to every performance which led to him ultimately conducting orchestras. His charts are works of art. A devoted father and the musicians musician. Braxton is CALs conductor.

Alexandra McMaster
STRINGSAlex is a first call cellist with a full dance card. Her priority is CAL. When CAL performs with orchestras, quartets or duos, Alex oversees the process. She also does vocal allocations and has her work cut out for her when it comes to Queen and Beatle shows. She has been with CAL since 2003

Chris Roberts
HORNSChris networks horn players throughout North America for CAL. He oversees charts and performance, often getting the horn players out of their comfort zone and helping out with percussion.

Troy Feener
1ST DRUM CHAIRTroy is a studied veteran. His charts are works of art. Troy oversees all things percussion related for CAL. Troy has been with CAL since 2004